I went to a Close to my Heart event in Detroit last night. I've only been with the company six years but as I walked past the line up of 150 people waiting to get in, I heard my name called again and again. There were friends every few steps, old ones and newer ones. It's happened this way many times, at convention, at our regional events, even at larger team meetings but it gets me every single time, the total acceptance and love that I have seen since joining Close to my Heart.
The neat thing is, it's not just the friendships I have made that touch me. I see friendships others have made, people who, I just know, have difficulties making friends in real life. People who, for some reason or other, probably don't get a lot of acceptance. Here though, in this club that we call consulting, they are all welcome. I'll tell you, there is nothing like it.
I know that the reason most people don't sign up to be a consultant is that they are afraid they would turn into the big loud obnoxious car salesperson. It's almost the first excuse I hear when I asked someone to join, "I don't know how to sell." Well, let me tell you, I don't know how to sell either. I do know how to share my love of scrapbooking and cardmaking though. People buy or they don't buy, I don't pressure anyone, I just show what I love and I care that they make choices that make them happy. That's pretty much it and I know that all of you can do that.
In the next few months we have several more Close to my Heart events coming up, events where, if you join us, you will be accepted, you will make friends, and you will find lots of people who care about you. If THIS is something you are looking for, don't be afraid of what you THINK being a consultant is. Instead just join and come to the events and give us a try-out. If it isn't everything I say it is, you can leave and you'll still have that big kit of goodies and a cartridge! There is no risk, but there is a ton of rewards. You really truly are welcome here.