Monday, April 1, 2013

Why I'm a consultant for Close to my Heart

I find that when an anniversary comes around I have a tendency to reflect on the time that has passed and the reasons I've committed to the person or job or whatever that the anniversary celebrates. So here's my thoughts about my five years with Close to my Heart.

I've been a scrapbooker for over 15 years.  I started the week after my youngest was born.  How I had time to learn a new craft with two other kids and a newborn at home, I don't remember, but I did.  I remember seeing scrapbooking supplies at the local JoAnn's Fabrics and had a vague recollection of one of my distant cousins showing me her scrapbook at a family reunion.  I had plans to only do one book for the new baby but within what may have just been days I became hooked on this new craft. 

I remember that a few months after starting scrapbooking I ended up teaching it at a scrapbook store in Flint, Michigan.  It wasn't too surprising that I have taught this craft again and again over the years at many stores, crops, and parties because I used to be a school teacher and the love of teaching tends to stick with you. 

We moved from our little town near Flint to Stevensville, Michigan about eight years ago and though I still scrapbooked, I didn't have a place around here to teach it anymore.  Being new to town and a homebody, I also led a fairly solitary life for a couple of years, doing most of my socializing online with old friends.  I attended a crop with a bunch of these friends in 2008 and one of them, Michelle, was a Close to my Heart consultant.  Though she had been one for a couple of years she hadn't really ever asked me if I wanted to be a consultant before, but that day she told me I'd be good at it.  It took me just a few days to realize that it might be just the opportunity I needed.

I loved scrapbooking, I loved teaching and what was consultanting other than just a manifestation of what I'd already done before?!!  Within a few weeks I signed up (five years ago today) and am now a Senior Director with Close to my Heart.  I've won the Rising Star award, a recruiting award and earned two cruises!   I have a team of over 65 wonderful, wonderful ladies who's friendships enrich my life.  Every. Single. Day.   I have met so many scrapbookers and cardmakers who take my classes, have me over to their homes, attend my crops and buy my products but most of all, give me their friendship.   I've learned to be a better listener, a more caring person and a pretty good businesswoman too!

I honestly can't see myself ever leaving Close to my Heart. Age isn't going to be a factor and so, as far as I am concerned right now, I'm in it for the long haul.  Close to my Heart has given me so much and I am proud to be a part of such a great company.  So, thanks for helping me celebrate today, I hope you had fun, I know I did!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for introducing me to CTMH. Happy Anniversary and wishing you many more years with the company.
