Thursday, December 11, 2014

Are you in a crafting slump?

Does is seem like forever since you sat down to scrapbook, make cards or paper craft and you find that you are having trouble getting motivated?  If so, here are ten ways to get yourself back into the crafting groove once again.

1.  Just do it.  Sometimes the best way to get back to crafting is to just force yourself to sit down and do it.  Remember the joy it brings you?  Just yesterday I had to do this very thing and ever since I've been on a high about the cards I created.  It's like cleaning out a closet, once you finish you can't stop going back to look at it.  Sit yourself down and do just one thing and see if it doesn't bring the joy back.

2.  Gather ideas!  We are so lucky to live in the age of the internet and especially Pinterest where literally millions of ideas are at our disposal.  This doesn't work for everyone but if you are someone who gets motivated to craft once you see an irresistible idea, pull out those idea books or get on your computer and find some new papercrafting idea that makes you want to go running to your crafting room!

3.  Buy something new.  Now I know that some of you are craft supply collectors instead of doers so if you are, forget this step. However, if the latest tool or a pack of brand new scrapbook paper gets you going, buy yourself an early Christmas present and bring it home to try out.

4.  Carve out time.  Especially at this time of year we tend to overbook our time to such an extent that there is not a moment to craft even if we wanted to.  This is not good!  This is exactly the time of year that you need to take out some time for yourself so that you don't get overwhelmed.  When I was in Mother's of Preschoolers years ago we called it filling up our juice box.  We tend to give and give and get all the energy squeezed out of us by family obligations and don't take the time to fill our juice box back up by taking a break. Schedule some time, even if it's only an hour, and allow yourself to craft to fill you (the juice box) back up.

5.  Do a project that requires very little effort but gives you great results.  Making a card is great example, it doesn't take long but the satisfaction is great!   Choose something that you really want to do that won't take too much time and see if that doesn't give you your crafting mojo back.

6.  Make a small Christmas present.  We have people in our lives who we just give a small token of our appreciation to, choose one of those people and make a small gift with your paper supplies.  As you make it, keep in mind the smile that will be on that person's face when they see you took the time to actually MAKE something for them.  See if that doesn't motivate you.

7.  Clean your crafting area!  This does it for me everytime because I simply can't think in a messy room, let alone create.  Remember that you don't have to do this all in one day if it's really gotten crazy messy in there.  Use the 15 minute method.  Whenever you find a spare 15 (or even 5 minutes) go to your crafting room and see what you can do.  I think you'll be surprised how much you can accomplish in a short time.

8.  Get together with your friends.  Find someone or more than one person who is looking for some crafting time too and get together to craft.  Knowing you have an obligation to a crafting buddy can usually get you back into your crafting mood.

9.  I am not a person who really likes the unscheduled time when the whole family is home over the holidays.  I don't like getting out of my routine and I tend to go a little crazy and get grumpy because of this.  So, when I know it's coming, I specifically plan projects for myself to get me past vacations and long weekends.  The worst time for this, to me, is the week after Christmas before New Year's Eve.  The festivities are over and everyone is off playing with their new gifts.  That's the time I set aside for my crafting projects, the big ones especially.  Look to your own calendar and see if you can predict some of that open time (and it is coming!) and start dreaming of what you want to do now.

10.  Last but not least, what product have you collected and still not used?  Is it brads, buttons, paper?  What is your supply overload? Determine it and challenge yourself to take that collection out and use as much of it in the shortest time possible.  Put them on your crafting table along with your basic supplies and go to it, getting rid of as many as you can on your pages, cards or papercrafts.  The sense of accomplishment will really amaze you!

Hope these help!  I would love to hear if they did so shoot me an email

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