Do you like to try before you buy? Play before you pay? Me too! Studio J, our "digital" scrapbooking program is set up so that it costs you NOTHING to play all you want with your photos, our templates and digital papers. You can go to my website HERE starting now, upload your photos and start experimenting and getting used to how Studio J works. You can place your photos where you want in our virtual papers and templates and change the colors of the brads, buttons, hinges, etc. along with add or take away the stickease and other decorations. I have done several pages and took my time getting them just right before telling Close to my Heart to print them and send them to me. There is nothing to download, no program to buy! Your layouts will be saved for you for 90 days so that gives you all that time to really try out the studio. And you know what else? This isn't just a trial period either, it's like this all the time. You never pay a cent until you are ready to have your pages printed and sent to you. How's that for easy and fun?
If you do decide to buy there is a special!
You may purchase each two-page layout for just $12.95 US / $14.95 CAN. Also, when you place a single order for 5–9 layouts, you'll receive a pack of 5 Memory Protectors FREE! For placing an order for 10 or more layouts, you'll receive FREE shipping/handling plus a FREE pack of 5 Memory Protectors for every 5 layouts in the single order.
So set aside a little time and pick out some of your digital pictures to upload to my site and try out Studio J.
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