Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Reminder of my online crop coming up Friday!

Almost 3 years ago now I decided to sign up to become a consultant with Close to my Heart. I did some research first and discovered that most people in direct sales quit in their first year. The information I read also said that if a person were to work hard and stick it out to their third year, that's when they would really start to see success. I told my upline (person I signed under), Michelle, that I would commit to three years in this business then decide whether I was going to continue on. I know that she's waiting breathlessly to hear what I've decided on April 1st....at least I hope she is!!

To commemorate this decision I've decided to have a virtual online crop that evening, April 1st, 2011 from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. EST. I will be having LOTS of giveaways, a page challenge/contest, SUPER SALES and who knows what other fun I can come up with in the next couple of weeks. If you would like to participate you must be a fan of my Facebook Business Page as that's where the online crop will happen. I'm hoping to have videos, photos, and lots of good laughs, conversations and prizes. You do not have to attend the whole 3 hours to win but your chances are better the longer you keep checking in! So, become a fan and get your scrapbooking, papercrafting and stamping supplies ready to go on April 1st!!!

Fine Print.....CTMH consultants may attend the crop but not win the prizes as this is for my wonderful customers and you know you all already get the goodies for free and low cost, don't ya!!


  1. What a FUNN idea - have a great time!

  2. Congrats on your first three years with CTMH. I just got my three year congrats from Corp, and I love working with this great company. Your crop sounds like so much fun. I almost wish we weren't leaving on vacation that day! Have a great time.

  3. Congrats on your three years. You truly are a great consultant, and I love your online crop idea.
