Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Decluttering your Papercrafting Supplies - Day Thirteen

The problem with albums is that we get carried away buying them, because we see a sale or a brand new type and we can't resist.  The problem is that we really shouldn't buy an album until we are ready to use it.

Albums take up a lot of space when they are full, we don't need to use up that same space in storing one that we may not end up using.

If you're like me, you may own a lot of albums that could be filled but you just haven't taken the time to put your pages in them.  If that's the case today, see if you can use your 15 minutes to get some pages in the albums.

If not, and you just have too many, take a look at them and really evaluate if you ARE going to use them.  Make sure they are not outdated, that you have the accessories you need for them and then make your decision.

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