Sunday, June 15, 2014

Decluttering your Papercrafting Supplies - Day Ten

Let's talk about tools, baby.  This is another place where we tend to go overboard because, in most cases, you do not need more than one of each of these.  Here's the list of items where you only need one, if any:

Quilling tool
Bone folder
Edge distresser
Large scissors
Small pointy scissors (I love ours because they are non-stick)
Stamp scrubber
Spray cleaner
Spray refill
Piercing Tool
Sanding kit
Cricut tool kit
Dry embossing tool
Glue Eraser
X-acto knife
White eraser
1 box staples
Hole punch 1/4"
Hole punch 1/8"
Hole punch 1/16"
Corner rounder

There are more tools but that gives you the idea.  Here are tools where it's okay to have two or more:

Blending pens
Sponges (no more than two or three)
Daubers (one for each color is okay)
Spray pens (three is good)
Trimmers (1 large and 1 small for travel)
Cricut mats (but no more than three)
Journaling pen (one set)
Trimmer blades

Bag these up and give them to goodwill, go put in your 15 minutes.


  1. I've been having lots of fun checking out your lists, and I'm actually doing pretty well. My only quibble with today's list is I think 2 Versamats are really useful if you are a scrapper of double page spreads. I love to build my layouts on the Versamat because it helps me line everything up, so I need 2!
