Monday, April 1, 2013

Studio J Digital Scrapbooking

A few years back I was at the Close to my Heart convention and they announced that we would now be venturing into the world of digital scrapbooking with a program called Studio J.  I'll be honest and tell you I was quite disappointed.  I was not slightly interested in digital scrapbooking at all.  I loved the feeling of creating with paper and embellishments and no computer was going to replace that for me.
Well, three years later, I can admit that I now love Studio J!   I don't use it all the time when I'm scrapbooking but probably half of the time at least.  I use Studio J for all those photos I don't really want to scrapbook at all but feel I have to (Christmas, weddings, vacations) and save traditional scrapbooking for all those photos that I love to scrapbook (Halloween, my new nephew, my concert photos).  I also use Studio J whenever I feel like I'm falling behind in my scrapping.  You know that feeling, it paralyzes you because you don't feel you'll ever catch up.  With Studio J I can complete MANY layouts very quickly and feel ACCOMPLISHED.  
Studio J is easy, it's low cost and it catches me up.  It's also beautiful and sometimes my friends and family can't tell which of my pages are Studio J and which aren't.  I love that!  
If you feel behind or just need a way to scrapbook without buying tons of supplies, consider Studio J, you can try it for free without purchasing an outlet (just to play) by going to this link, uploading your photos and jumping right in!   If you need help, my number is (989) 06-6420.   Let me know how you like it!!!   In the meantime, here's some of my latest Studio J layouts!

1 comment:

  1. I have very, very little knowledge of the computer. Don't know if Studio J would work for me.
