Friday, January 7, 2011

Taming the Closet Monster Part Three

I'm still working on my closet. Today I picked up the stack of finished pages and divided them by themes. I scrapbook by theme now and never feel like I'm behind anymore. These pages are divided as follows:

Left to right - Hall & Oates (concert photos and such), the brothers (my two boys), Me, school, birthday, friends, places far away (vacations), "just us" (pictures of my family around the house), holidays, other celebrities (I tend to meet a few), places nearby, Alex, and finally, Sam. Now I'm going to go upstairs and see if I can find albums with spaces for all these stacks. If not, I will put them away in a 2 gallon ziploc bag while I'm waiting to purchase new albums for them. On Sunday I will continue taming this monster so stay tuned!

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